A downloadable game


Some 20,000 zombies storm a skyscraper of 200 stories with 1,000 people in it.
Each zombie that enters building kills 1 person.
But if a player-controlled zombie reaches the building it kills 40 people .
If the humans population reaches 0 before the zombies do, you win.


Take control of a zombie with Z
Walk with WASD
Dodge with SPACE
Enter spectator mode with X,C,V,B

It's both a playable game and a performance demo. This game uses Unity ECS (Entity Component System), multi-threading (Unity Burst and Job-System), and GPU instancing, for fast crowd simulation.

Made in Hanuka Game Jam by MakeGamesJLM https://makegamesjlm.itch.io/
Additional graphics: Hallel Rosenberg



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